日本財団 図書館


(2) Curved track running


Form a structure capable of stably maintaining a track without increasing a track maintenance work for a lateral force produced by a body tilting car on a curve at a high speed running.


(a) General track structure


Generally apply the specifications of a reinforced track same as that of straight track {4.3.2(1)(a)} to the general structure except a sharp curved section though the load increases compared to the case of a straight track.


(b) Measures for sharp curved section


Reinforce sharp curved sections against a lateral force to prepare for stability of tracks.


1/ Heat-treated rail


Prevents side wear of a rail and prevents an increase of track adjustment work due to the side wear.


2/ Support of joint


Use a joint sleeper of a support joint to stabilize short-rail tracks.


3/ Others


Study the change to a long welded rail if possible.


- The effect for track stabilization by a long welded rail.


- Make study for decreasing the workload for replacing long welded rails.


4.3.3 Safety of high speed passing


It is necessary to take actions by considering the influence when improving the






